It is always surprising what childhood memories that a person carries with them into adulthood.
I will never forget the day that I learned how to ride my bicycle without training wheels.
My dad decided that at the age of seven, the training wheels on my pink unicorn bicycle with the colorful tassels were well past their use.
For almost a week, he prepped me and piped about how great was to ride a bicycle without training wheels. I couldn’t wait until that Saturday, when he was off from work, so that he could teach me how to ride my bicycle like a big girl!
On that following Saturday, he took me outside into the hot summer heat and told me how easy it was to pedal without the extra support holding me up.
He held onto the back of my seat while I pedaled as quickly as I could.
“You’re doing it! All by yourself!” he would holler with encouragement in his voice after he released me.
As soon as I realized that I was riding solo, I would lose my balance and fall to the ground.
Then he tried pushing me.
“Go, go, go!” I’d turn around as he urged me on, just to fall down again.
As the day wore on, so did my confidence that riding without my trusty training wheels was a great idea.
The more cuts, scrapes, bruises, and sores that I received, the more fearful I was, and the least able I was to stay on that bicycle. I was beginning to develop a grudge against the heap of metal that had become my nemesis.
My dad was also losing his patience. It seemed like the harder he tried to explain how to ride on two wheels, the less I listened. What he thought would take less than an hour, was now stretching well past lunchtime.
Finally he decided that we could break for lunch.
The relief that I felt was overwhelming! Now I could have enough time to try and figure out how to convince him to stop torturing me. What was wrong with training wheels anyway?
I took my time eating and he seemed to feel the same way I was feeling. After eating my sandwich, I escaped to my bedroom to play with my other toys, but the bicycle seemed to be calling my name. Time and time again, I would approach the window and peek out to look out at the bicycle lying on the ground neglected. The bicycle’s tassels swaying in the breeze and urging me to not give up.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I snuck outside and walked out to the bicycle, and stared down at it. I stood for a couple minutes and began to imagine myself on top of it riding in the wind.
To this day I don’t know where the idea came from, but I picked it up and rolled it to the top of a small hill that was in our yard.
I straddled myself on top and coasted slowly to the bottom.
Now, that wasn’t that bad! Maybe I could do it again, but pedal this time.
I hauled the bicycle to the peak again, and this time, I pedaled as quickly as my feet would go. I kept pedaling and pedaling, and rode a full circle around my house.
Excitedly, I ran inside to show my dad. He could not believe his eyes when he saw me on my bicycle, the wind blowing in my hair, and a smile of pride on my face. I’ll never forget the satisfaction and pleasure that I felt when I entered into a new level of maturity and conquered the arduous task of eliminating two wheels on my bicycle.
Two years later, my brother was born. He was younger than I had been when I convinced him to mount his bicycle on a small hill at the bottom of our driveway.
“Now Tommy, you don’t have to pedal yet. Just ride the bicycle to the bottom. Just trust me!”
When he pedaled the bicycle on his second trip down that hill, I was able to feel the pride and the joy that my dad had felt when he watched me claim victory over the battle between my bicycle and I.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Shorty and Reggie's Fishing Adventure

Not too long ago, Reggie started helping one of his mom’s friends husbands. Helping him fix the floor, lay hard wood flooring… We call the friend Shorty. I asked him not too long ago, why everyone calls him Shorty (he’s not that short). He said that when he was a kid, he was fairly short. He then told me that his real first name was Jehue (Jay-hue), I then understood more the reason for the nickname. Shorty is white haired, blue eyed, 70 years old, and hard of hearing. He loves to fish, camp, and don’t like staying in one place for too long. His wife Linda is a 64 year old spirited woman who is funny, and doesn’t mind saying what she thinks. She is quick with road rage, and loves to play cards.
About two weeks ago, the couple invited Reggie and I to go camping. We decided to take them up on it, packed our bags, and went for a weekend of camping life. In a camper, with air-conditioning, water and electricity no doubt! Reggie and Shorty prepared for a night of fishing, I prepared for a night of strategic card playing with Linda. I had hoped that Reggie and Shorty would catch Herman. You know, the one huge fish that is found and every lake? The one that steals your bait and flops outside of eyesight that you just can’t catch? We couldn’t wait. I can’t say what time it was when the men left, but when they had been out for quite a while, Linda and I knew that they had to be catching some fish. When they got back, they had quite a few of some hilarious stories!
I thought one in particular was a hoot! I hope I can tell it, as good as they did. They were doing what they do best, trying to catch as many fish as their poles would allow. Reggie can get a little competitive when it comes to fishing and was trying his best to come out top. Shorty starts noticing that they’ve past quite a couple of stumps.
“Reggie? How deep does the depth gadge say the water is?” he asked Reggie.
“20 feet.”
On they went, passing more and more stumps. Shorty figured something was wrong with the gadge and went to check it. 2.0 feet. Somebody didn’t notice the decimal… So he tells Reggie to reel in the anchor, starts the engine, and begins to move to deeper waters. The boat isn’t acting right.
“Reggie? Is the anchor all the way up?” he asked Reggie.
They truck on. The boat still isn’t acting right. It seems to be swaying to the left, to the right, but not straight ahead.
“Are you sure the anchor is up?” he again asked.
“Yep! I see it! It’s right there! It’s up!”
They truck on. Water starts splashing on Reggie, from the left, the right.
“Shorty! Water is getting in the boat!”
I mentioned earlier that Shorty was a little hard of hearing. You always feel like your yelling at him. Over the sound of the boat engine and the wind, Reggie’s calls were falling on deaf ears. Reggie said he yelled for Shorty for the next couple of minutes. Because of the boat going forward, and raising up in the front, Reggie couldn’t get his attention by tapping him on the shoulder either. So finally he just gave up, and waited for Shorty to turn around.
When telling the story, Shorty tells it a little differently than Reggie. He says they are riding along and he turns back to see a soak and wet Reggie and a good bit of water in the boat. Reggie is just sitting there wet not saying a word! LOL.
After a small investigation, it is found that even though the anchor was up most of the way, it wasn’t all the way up. In Reggie’s defense, he’s not use to dealing with anchors. But everyone got a good laugh at the story, and the many others that they had to tell that night! By the way, they still haven’t caught Herman! LOL. Maybe next time…
About two weeks ago, the couple invited Reggie and I to go camping. We decided to take them up on it, packed our bags, and went for a weekend of camping life. In a camper, with air-conditioning, water and electricity no doubt! Reggie and Shorty prepared for a night of fishing, I prepared for a night of strategic card playing with Linda. I had hoped that Reggie and Shorty would catch Herman. You know, the one huge fish that is found and every lake? The one that steals your bait and flops outside of eyesight that you just can’t catch? We couldn’t wait. I can’t say what time it was when the men left, but when they had been out for quite a while, Linda and I knew that they had to be catching some fish. When they got back, they had quite a few of some hilarious stories!
I thought one in particular was a hoot! I hope I can tell it, as good as they did. They were doing what they do best, trying to catch as many fish as their poles would allow. Reggie can get a little competitive when it comes to fishing and was trying his best to come out top. Shorty starts noticing that they’ve past quite a couple of stumps.
“Reggie? How deep does the depth gadge say the water is?” he asked Reggie.
“20 feet.”
On they went, passing more and more stumps. Shorty figured something was wrong with the gadge and went to check it. 2.0 feet. Somebody didn’t notice the decimal… So he tells Reggie to reel in the anchor, starts the engine, and begins to move to deeper waters. The boat isn’t acting right.
“Reggie? Is the anchor all the way up?” he asked Reggie.
They truck on. The boat still isn’t acting right. It seems to be swaying to the left, to the right, but not straight ahead.
“Are you sure the anchor is up?” he again asked.
“Yep! I see it! It’s right there! It’s up!”
They truck on. Water starts splashing on Reggie, from the left, the right.
“Shorty! Water is getting in the boat!”
I mentioned earlier that Shorty was a little hard of hearing. You always feel like your yelling at him. Over the sound of the boat engine and the wind, Reggie’s calls were falling on deaf ears. Reggie said he yelled for Shorty for the next couple of minutes. Because of the boat going forward, and raising up in the front, Reggie couldn’t get his attention by tapping him on the shoulder either. So finally he just gave up, and waited for Shorty to turn around.
When telling the story, Shorty tells it a little differently than Reggie. He says they are riding along and he turns back to see a soak and wet Reggie and a good bit of water in the boat. Reggie is just sitting there wet not saying a word! LOL.
After a small investigation, it is found that even though the anchor was up most of the way, it wasn’t all the way up. In Reggie’s defense, he’s not use to dealing with anchors. But everyone got a good laugh at the story, and the many others that they had to tell that night! By the way, they still haven’t caught Herman! LOL. Maybe next time…
Friday, May 7, 2010
Oliver Shredder Kendrick

I already have my keys in hand, and my arms full when I get home from work. I shuffle the items in my arms as I inch my hand to the know trying desperately NOT to drop any of my items. Yes! I got the door open! I walk in and trip on Oliver who has the worst habit of greeting us at the door, only to roll over onto his back. Oliver!
I go to take a shower and leave my towel on the toilet seat. The hot water soothes that little spot on my neck where all my tension goes. I soap up, rinse off, and shut off the flow of water before opening the door to grab my towel. Where’s my towel? I know it was on the toilet seat! Oliver!
I finally get dry, and dressed. I go to get on my shoes to check the mail. Walking to the mailbox my shoe doesn’t feel quite as comfortable. I look down to see the sole hanging off. The teeth marks are unmistakable. Oliver!
I sit down on the couch to watch my favorite show. I have my water, my blanket. I lay down and who is all over me as if I was made of bacon? Smothering me with kisses? Oliver! I calm him down and he looks at me with love and trust in his eyes. And I can’t help but forget all the things that I had earlier found so irritating. He is still a puppy and I know that if he wasn’t home, I’d walk into the door, and miss tripping over him. I’d miss having to fetch a towel soak and wet. But most of all, I’d miss him on my lap smothering me with kisses. Then I make a mental note to buy some more chew toys because I really do like my shoes, cushions, and other miscellaneous items that he prefers to have holes in!
I go to take a shower and leave my towel on the toilet seat. The hot water soothes that little spot on my neck where all my tension goes. I soap up, rinse off, and shut off the flow of water before opening the door to grab my towel. Where’s my towel? I know it was on the toilet seat! Oliver!
I finally get dry, and dressed. I go to get on my shoes to check the mail. Walking to the mailbox my shoe doesn’t feel quite as comfortable. I look down to see the sole hanging off. The teeth marks are unmistakable. Oliver!
I sit down on the couch to watch my favorite show. I have my water, my blanket. I lay down and who is all over me as if I was made of bacon? Smothering me with kisses? Oliver! I calm him down and he looks at me with love and trust in his eyes. And I can’t help but forget all the things that I had earlier found so irritating. He is still a puppy and I know that if he wasn’t home, I’d walk into the door, and miss tripping over him. I’d miss having to fetch a towel soak and wet. But most of all, I’d miss him on my lap smothering me with kisses. Then I make a mental note to buy some more chew toys because I really do like my shoes, cushions, and other miscellaneous items that he prefers to have holes in!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Why Blog?

Why Blog? I don't know. Why should I blog? Why shouldn't I? I imagine blogging is similar to an updated form of writing a diary. But because other people are able to see what you write, I guess it's closer to being considered a journal... I am 29 years old and I'm married to my soul mate. His name is Reggie. He is actually 4 days older than I am. I often imagine us being in the hospital in incubators at the same time! You may recall that many people joke and say that their spouse in their other half? Mine really is. I am a book worm and can't do anything with my hands except eat, type, and brush my teeth. Give me a hammer and you may come back to find it buried with the flowers and already watered. My husband on the other hand, knows how to do everything with his hands and can't stand to open a book. If you were to hand him a book, you may come back to find a wide variety assortment of paper airplanes! I make the quick decisions , he takes his time. I have an office job, he has a physical job. So, you see? Together, we make a killer team and he balance eachother out!
Reggie and I have a house in Griffin, GA. His mother lives with us. You know, girls don't generally get along with their mother-in-laws, but his mom isn't just ANY mother-in-law. It's hard for me to find the perfect description of this woman. She is witty, funny, smart, and is great with conversation. She can talk about anything and everything. She has a heart of gold.
Reggie and I have only one child. Not long ago I was pregnant and went into premature labor at 24 weeks. Reggie Jr. was born. He was quite the fighter, and lived almost 14 hr. He may not be alive on earth, but he'll always be alive in my heart. He is still my first born child, and still my son. Reggie and I plan to get pregnant again soon. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes that this happens soon. It's nice to know that our future baby will always have a beautiful guardian angel.
Well, that's a quick look at my wonder life of chaos... until next time!
Reggie and I have a house in Griffin, GA. His mother lives with us. You know, girls don't generally get along with their mother-in-laws, but his mom isn't just ANY mother-in-law. It's hard for me to find the perfect description of this woman. She is witty, funny, smart, and is great with conversation. She can talk about anything and everything. She has a heart of gold.
Reggie and I have only one child. Not long ago I was pregnant and went into premature labor at 24 weeks. Reggie Jr. was born. He was quite the fighter, and lived almost 14 hr. He may not be alive on earth, but he'll always be alive in my heart. He is still my first born child, and still my son. Reggie and I plan to get pregnant again soon. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes that this happens soon. It's nice to know that our future baby will always have a beautiful guardian angel.
Well, that's a quick look at my wonder life of chaos... until next time!
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